Program Summary:
- Group Discount Offerings of pressure washing services for communities provided by Southern Outdoor Restoration.
- Offered during the months of January and February (SOR's expert pressure washing crews are fully utilized the other 10 months out of the year with townhome and condo association work)
Offering Details:
- Pricing is customized for each neighborhood (based on the size of the average homes and driveways in that community); targeted to be ~20% lower than "retail pricing" to account for the increased efficiencies.
- There will be a 2-3 week sign up window with a fixed "sign up deadline."
- Fulfillment of the work for all the residents who order services is done 1-3 weeks after the sign-up deadline ends.
- All communication regarding ordering, scheduling, and customer service is handled by SOR
- All payment flows directly from resident to SOR.
Benefits to your managed communities:
- Access to a larger, more sophisticated, and more professional vendor at discount prices.
- Work with a company who knows the intricacies of working with HOAs and their residents.
- Accountability of SOR to the HOA Management Company.
- Proactive offering to help residents with exterior maintenance.
- Pressure washing is a relatively low-cost, high value service that has a material effect on the appearance of a community if done consistently.
- Simple solution for any residents with current violation letters for pressure washing needs.
- SOR can provide reporting / summaries on participation rates and resident orders (managers can cross reference against their violation lists!).
What does the process look like?
- Provide a summary of the "Community Initiative Program" to the board
- SOR creates all components of the offering: custom web link for the sign-up form, custom flyer with all details, and provide Resident Notification email for manager.
- Manager copies, pastes, and sends notification emails.
- Group Discount Offerings of pressure washing services for communities provided by Southern Outdoor Restoration.
- Offered during the months of January and February (SOR's expert pressure washing crews are fully utilized the other 10 months out of the year with townhome and condo association work)
Offering Details:
- Pricing is customized for each neighborhood (based on the size of the average homes and driveways in that community); targeted to be ~20% lower than "retail pricing" to account for the increased efficiencies.
- There will be a 2-3 week sign up window with a fixed "sign up deadline."
- Fulfillment of the work for all the residents who order services is done 1-3 weeks after the sign-up deadline ends.
- All communication regarding ordering, scheduling, and customer service is handled by SOR
- All payment flows directly from resident to SOR.
- SOR creates the offering websites unique to each community.
- Payment is collected from the residents directly to SOR.
- SOR will provide an exported report of each offering to Mgmt Company to show the
order details. - SOR will pay 5% of the total revenue collected through the offerings to
Mgmt Company (reconciled monthly).
Benefits to your managed communities:
- Access to a larger, more sophisticated, and more professional vendor at discount prices.
- Work with a company who knows the intricacies of working with HOAs and their residents.
- Accountability of SOR to the HOA Management Company.
- Proactive offering to help residents with exterior maintenance.
- Pressure washing is a relatively low-cost, high value service that has a material effect on the appearance of a community if done consistently.
- Simple solution for any residents with current violation letters for pressure washing needs.
- SOR can provide reporting / summaries on participation rates and resident orders (managers can cross reference against their violation lists!).
What does the process look like?
- Provide a summary of the "Community Initiative Program" to the board
- SOR creates all components of the offering: custom web link for the sign-up form, custom flyer with all details, and provide Resident Notification email for manager.
- Manager copies, pastes, and sends notification emails.
- SOR provides reminder email content three days prior to the sign up deadline.
- SOR schedules all the orders directly with residents, completes the work, and sends them each a digital project summary report with before/after photos and site notes.
Visit our customer-facing CI page to learn more about the details: https://southernoutdoorrestoration.com/services/hoa-multifamily-communities/community-initiative-program/
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